My good buddy John just published a typically navel-gazing post detailing the contents of his wallet, and went on to invite readers to divulge details of their own billfolds in what I can only presume is some cunning and evil plan for mass identity-theft 🙂
Well, as I said in the comments to John’s post, I was surprised at the quantity of sentimental knick-knacks and memorabilia he has in there, compared to the rather prosaic and functional contents of my own wallet.

The wallet itself is a simple black leather one from Burberry, and tonight contains the following:
- £90. In case you were thinking of mugging me, you should know that I don’t usually carry nearly so much.
- A bunch of receipts from the week. Come tomorrow evening the details will all have been religiously input into MS Money, and the receipts shredded.
- Four first-class stamps.
- A Starbucks card – essential for those occasional lunches with John 🙂
- Three credit cards, one from each of the major providers. You can never be sure which will be accepted, and the occasional system failure or over-zealous anti-fraud software has resulted in me having to offer all three before a transaction could be processed.
- A debit card, which I mostly use this for taking cash out of ATMs. I don’t see the point in using it for payments if I can help it, preferring to get the interest-free period and insurance that comes from using a credit card instead.
- My Microsoft Certified Professional card. I’m not sure what the point of carrying this is – maybe I won’t put it back!
- A “Club Toyota” membership card. I don’t really get the point of this one, either.
- A membership card for my local gym. This whole gym-going malarkey is a relatively new thing for me, and I’m grateful to my wifey for persuading me to join, as I feel much fitter for getting a bit of exercise a few times a week. I think having kids is a big incentive to start taking care of yourself, as you want to stick around as long as possible to share their lives.
- A Costco trade membership card. One of the nice perks of being a company director is being able to go to Costco and buy 45 toilet rolls and a gallon of Tabasco whenever I fancy!
- National Trust membership card. We find ourselves wandering round stately piles quite often, in an effort to Bentertain the one year old.
- Driving license.
- North Yorkshire County Libraries card. Libraries gave us power!
- “Loyalty” cards from Boots, Shell, WHSmith, Coop, Tesco and Nectar. I’m not very loyal, but I don’t look a gift horse in the mouth.
And that’s your lot. Not very interesting really, eh?