Sunday a handful of us bagged Ben Wyvis, where apparently Martin Moran was avalanched during his record breaking winter munro expedition. Our trip up to the top was thankfully less life-threatening, with the only dangers coming from the many snowball fights, or riding over rocks during the pitifully slow bum-slide back to the soggy foothills. But the sun was out in force, as were the views. It was a good start to the holiday proper, and served as a gentle reminder how unfit I am, as I soon found myself lagging behind all and sundry during the ascent.

Monday I headed north with Rich, Becks, and Dave, with a view to climbing Conival and Ben More Assynt. This was more exhausting than the previous day, but offered more rewards – sinuous snow-covered ridges to wander along, and some fine views over the fascinating topography of the northern highlands – Suilven, Ben Hope, Ben Klibreck, and others all seemed much closer than I suspect they really were.

Tuesday I rested, reasoning that too much exercise too quickly was likely to do me more harm than good. At least, that was my excuse and I’m sticking to it for now. In the evening we had the pleasure of watching Lowcraft at the Seaforth Inn, having been teased by hearing their tunes on the mighty fine Loch Broom FM. The lead singer resembles Eddie Izzard, which should be a compliment, although I’m not sure he took it that way…