My name is Ian Nelson. I’m a recovering SQL addict. It’s been four weeks since my last stored procedure. One of my reasons for leaving…
Life would be simpler if I had the source code
My name is Ian Nelson. I’m a recovering SQL addict. It’s been four weeks since my last stored procedure. One of my reasons for leaving…
I’ve never been a fan of those motivational posters that you see on office walls (usually in sales or marketing departments) that attempt to depict…
During 2007, I unexpectedly achieved a long-held ambition by increasing the number of books I regularly read (as opposed to merely buying, then leaving them…
With the return of the dark wintry nights to this sceptered isle, I’ve been taking the opportunity to flesh out my Family Tree a little…
So, I was using the First operator to return the first item element in a sequence matching a predicate. I expected a null to be…
Ten years of professional software development have given me a healthy awareness of edge cases – I’m always trying to code defensively, validate input, catch…
It gives me unparalleled joy to announce the birth of Mr Benjamin George Nelson. Following a relatively swift labour, the new arrival entered the world…
I’ve finally gotten round to processing and uploading photos from Paulo’s Last Munro weekend. The weather on Ben More was truly appalling, so the majority…
Last week I had the pleasure of spending a few days in London attending the Software Architect 2007 conference at the Barbican centre. It was…
As discussed recently, I’ve been trying to knock together a class struct to represent a UK postcode, provide a means of parsing a string as…