Well, this evening’s advent beer couldn’t be more different from yesterday’s. I had the dubious pleasure of sampling Crazy Ed’s Cave Creek Chili Beer, all the way from Arizona.
Be warned: the website dates from 1999, and boy, does it show—we’re talking Comic Sans in a scrolling <marquee> tag, framesets that have a tendency to get confused (try clicking the “home” link), and a 53-kilopixel JPEG weighing in at an astonishing 232 KB (why?!). Seeing those “Netscape Now!” animated GIFs makes me all nostalgic for the twentieth century…
Ahem. But enough about the site—what about the beer? Well, it was a lucky choice for this evening, as Joce had made Mexican for dinner. It was certainly spicy (with a whole chili pod in the bottle), but to be honest, I would have preferred a nice, refreshing Corona or Sol. As with yesterday’s offering, this was a fun novelty drink as a one-off, but not something I could happily sup all evening.
Joce says: “Oh! Ow! Oh my God! Oh, man! That is the hottest thing I’ve ever tasted! My throat is on fire!”